I wish I had something more exciting to report other than I bought a new hip pack, but that's all I've got. I spent an eternity in REI trying to decide on something and this is what I ended up with. It is made of recycled materials which also pushed me to pick it instead of another. Plus the water bottle holder was big enough for my SIGG.

I have so many bags at home that I bought then didn't like after I used them...including camera bags. Once I actually get somewhere and use them I figure out what's wrong with them and then I'm on the search for something else again. I might be selling this for 1/2 price right after the BF trip if it doesn't work out. ;)

I'm so looking forward to this trip although I'm still a bit nervous. Still haven't made my Vegas reservation, I have some kind of mental block with it I guess. I'm doing it by this Friday for sure. It doesn't look like there are deals to be had on a Saturday night of course. My goal until I leave is to do 20 minutes 3-4 times a week on the elliptical to try to get my legs somewhat used to moving. I would like to be able to hike some while there without keeling over.

So to keep this post on topic try this, I saw the link on the BF site. Give it a try. :)
