Wednesday, March 5th
Jazzy and I spent a cozy night in bed then decided to take the Canyon drive on the way back to DHQ in the morning. We stopped to visit with some of the horses by the Disney Barn...they didn't really care if we were there or not. ;)After dropping her off I decided to explore Cats a bit more...I just love the buildings over here and the freedom the cats have. Truly a feline paradise. A few of the buildings...
I ate at the buffet on property today (it was AWESOME!) then decided to head to the Lodges to help out for the afternoon. I just want to say that this ended up being my favorite area at all of BF. Roger and Jorge were WONDERFUL to work with, I'm quite sure more fun could not be had picking up dog poop. Although many of these dogs were staff only I was still able to work with a lot of them and at least visit with others from afar. A few friends I made today...first up is Reuben. A very serious look from a very sweet pup.
Next was a legend from the Best Friends forums...I had read all about Theresa online before my trip. She has quite the following of supporters. Photos do not do this girl just want to cuddle her to pieces!
Ophelia was a doll too....I know I keep repeating myself but I can't believe there aren't people lined up to adopt these angels!
I have many more pics of the Lodge dogs but I'm going to make another post for those. I did help with feeding and such and will detail more in Thursdays account since I was more hands on then. A few pics of the "kitchen" for the Lodges...
Oh...and darling Kima who is staying in the kitchen area for now. :) I read she had a scary bloat incident this past week but that she's doing better.
I had to hurry back to DHQ where I found out that Miss Bonnie Belle needed a sleepover in order to be able to attend the mobile adoption this weekend. We headed back...she was such a cutie and I'm happy to report that she's found her forever home! :)
We spent a lot of time hanging out on the patio waiting for Jen and watching the horses. I didn't have enough zoom but you can kind of see the horse being exercised with the ATV out there.
Tomorrow is a super busy day...Gardens in the morning and Lodges in the afternoon. Stay tuned. :)
I just want to kiss Miss Bonnie Belle's juicy snout!!! What a beauty. They were beautiful!
Ruby Bleu said...michele
Ah honestly I told Justen the other day when he comes home I am going to go away by myself for a few days. The more you post the more I want Best Friends to be the place I go.
Peanut said...Oooh-I love Reubin, Ophelia and Theresa. Why in the world are they not adopted?? Seriously, are any of them on the do not adopt right now list??? Looking forward to more posts, Marianne. Hint... ;)
jamie said...(Reallly, are these 3 I mentioned adoptable now?)
Oh, so glad we found our link to this blog again. We had thought you had given up posting here.
Jans Funny Farm said...We love the scenery but especially the animals. What great dogs. The sleepovers are such a nice idea.