Sunday, March 2nd Part 4
Finally it's time to pick up my sleepover dog. When I walked Bessie earlier in the day I had a special connection with her plus I thought it would do her some good to have one on one time. I went to pick her up and she was so fearful, it just breaks your heart.
We loaded up in the car and decided to drive the canyon road back to the cottage. It is undeveloped and runs along the canyon rim and connects on side of the sanctuary to the other. It is definitely not somewhere I would like to drive in bad weather. First we saw deer...she was VERY interested in them out the car window.
Bessie and I got to the cottage and settled in. She's an exceptional girl, she really is. Loud noises really frighten her and she was so skittish. She finally would nose the plush toy around a little so that was good. It was like she wanted love and attention but was afraid to ask for it if that makes sense.
The Angels Rest picture is exceptional!! I'm glad you didn't delete it.
The MOM said...When I look at Bessie - I just want to hug and cuddle with her. Can you do that for me please? I'm glad you kept her overnight, you need to keep her more than 1 night though.
Oh but that's great she ended up next to you. I bet it was worth all the pain :)
Peanut see how far bessie came in an extremely short amount of time makes you wonder how much potential she has!!! i hope someone out there sees all the potential she has!
The Zoo Crew said...What a sweet you get to do multiple night sleep overs? She probably would be right there with ya sleeping on the bed next time!
Ruby Bleu said...michele
I bet that was something special for her to have a nice lady human all to herself and at her level right on the floor (I'm with you about being too old to sleep on the floor). She's a beautiful dog and I can see a beautiful soul. I hope your visit with her does a world of good.
Lisa said...